Cannabis strength has doubled in the last 10 years.
Ecstasy tablets now contain record levels of MDMA.
Drug deaths in the 50+ age group are up 75%
These are just some of the startling facts revealed in the European Drug Report 2020.
Nuw recently worked with Restless Communications on the launch of the report for the EMCDDA (The European Monitoring Centre Drugs and Drug Addiction).
We produced 12 x 30 sec films for digital use, featuring clear and simple, but engaging infographic executions that bring the contents of the report to life. The suite of films were designed to be spliced together to make a longer 5 min film which sits on the website.
Elements from the animations were also used to illustrate presentations at the live online press launch. The comprehensive kit also included packaging for virtual speeches, a teaser campaign for the launch and online assets.
Download the report here-

Wrap around graphic packaging kit.