Nuw were asked by Royal Brompton and Harefield hospital to make a film about their pioneering new rehabilitation care programme (RCP). This programme has been created to support children diagnosed with complex heart defects. The service provides screening, eveluation and ongoing co-ordinated care, for children who need intensive rehabilitation and therapy support both before, and after surgery.
We developed the idea of a child playing with building blocks to use as a metaphor for representing the coming together of different discplines; to build a structure, and illustrating the reliance each block has on the other to complete the whole building.
The film needed to be clearly understandable to both healthcare professionals, and parents/carers.
The RCP is run by a multidisiplinary team of dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists. In effect, the programme is the coming together of all these disciplines to provide a succesful programme of care.
The RCP is run by a multidisiplinary team of dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists. In effect, the programme is the coming together of all these disciplines to provide a succesful programme of care.
The main challenge was in the filming work which had to be carried out with the minimum of fuss, and for the most part, within the confines of the very busy and unpredictable environment of the hospital's paediactric wards.
In addition to the film, we also designed a simple sub-brand identity. This consisted of a logo which needed to work within the colour and font parameters of both the hospital's and NHS's existing branding elements.
Using the hospital's existing colour pallette and fonts, we designed a simple logo made from the basic shapes of a child's building blocks. Four different shaped bricks, each one representing a different area of medical expertise, are arranged to represent the stylised form of a child building a house out of blocks.
Using the hospital's existing colour pallette and fonts, we designed a simple logo made from the basic shapes of a child's building blocks. Four different shaped bricks, each one representing a different area of medical expertise, are arranged to represent the stylised form of a child building a house out of blocks.