Glamgiving is a social enterprise whose aim is to raise funds for national and local charities, by reselling designer and high quality clothing and accessories. It does this at a grass roots level, by organising parties and events in homes or workplaces. Items are sold at these events and also online through e-commerce outlets.
We have worked with glamgiving since its beginning, working on everything from the naming and creative strategy, to design and digital implementation.
We have worked with glamgiving since its beginning, working on everything from the naming and creative strategy, to design and digital implementation.
We made this brand film to launch glamgiving. It explains the idea behind the organisation and is a call to action at the same time. The concept of the film is that of many small things coming together to make a larger whole, and is reflective of the nature of glamgiving and its ambition to pull together lots of individual actions to make something bigger and more substantial.

Logo Design
At the core of the identity is this heart shaped button logo.
Representative of both 'fashion' and 'caring', the heart icon has a human feel to it,
very much in keeping with the grass roots and social ethos of the organisation.
At the core of the identity is this heart shaped button logo.
Representative of both 'fashion' and 'caring', the heart icon has a human feel to it,
very much in keeping with the grass roots and social ethos of the organisation.

Marketing Assets
A variety of print and digital marketing assets, have been designed to help raise awareness and drive donations.
A variety of print and digital marketing assets, have been designed to help raise awareness and drive donations.

Print assets

Digital and print assets

Social Media
Like any modern grass roots organisation, social media plays a vital role in building awareness and distributing information.
Using the recurring visual theme of 'many coming together', we helped glamgiving develop a simple but effective social media strategy using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogging and e-newsletters.
Like any modern grass roots organisation, social media plays a vital role in building awareness and distributing information.
Using the recurring visual theme of 'many coming together', we helped glamgiving develop a simple but effective social media strategy using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogging and e-newsletters.

Presentation elements